Monday, April 18, 2011

Harley Davidson's Serious work on Indian Market

Manufacturer of the legendary American motorcycle, Harley Davidson really serious target the Indian market. This is seen in his decision to work with third parties, for purposes of its production to India.Taxation of goods into India is very high, ie 103 percent, making Harley Davidson invites Indian conglomerate, Mahindra, working together to make a factory in India, on an area of ​​70 thousand square meters outside Delhi, in Bologna, Italy. The reason, in Bologna, Mahindra 's subsidiaries.The plan initially, the HD will make a new engine platform V-Twin on the planned factory. This makes the HD to avoid a ban on imports of 800 cc motorcycle engine in India.As the largest motorcycle market and the fastest growth, the Indian market also makes American dealers make changes in order to target youth market by creating an entry-level product called Buell Blast.Meanwhile, the engine will be developed at the HD factory in Milwaukee, United States, where the entire range of its design was entrusted to a subsidiary owned by Indian conglomerate, Mahindra, in Bologna."This is a surprising decision because they have to entrust a third party to hold a full role in the production of HD, but this is a step that can be used as experience to develop a specific product of India," wrote
Parties HD itself has not directly confirm anything about the Buell Blast with reason to wait for the right time to provide early information.A little news, HD will produce two versions of the machine. First, 500 cc engine in Harley-Davidson's Rider's Edge training programs. Second, the 750 cc engine to meet the gap between domestic product India with imported engines 800 cc.This motorcycle dealers also will fulfill the void HD America, provides a selection of more affordable and accessible than the previous HD, to attract young consumers.

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